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external cooperation中文是什么意思

用"external cooperation"造句"external cooperation"怎么读"external cooperation" in a sentence


  • 外部合作


  • 1961 operate his own studio work and external cooperation with arts and crafts companies and various china works
  • In order to enhance the external cooperation and communication of vocational education , our school cooperates with italy prever tourism college , enrolling students of international cooperation and setting majors of tourism , hotel management and western cuisine
  • The fictitious enterprises that is produced in this background are different from traditional ones , whose principles are reasonable integration and use for internal and external resources , whose purposes are consolidated by streamlining the internal structure and external cooperation , which can take advantage of limited resources the most efficiently
  • International communication : in order to enhance the external cooperation and communication of vocational education , our school cooperates with inserch institute of the famous australia sydney technology university and italy prever tourism college , enrolling students of international cooperation and setting majors of tourism , hotel management and western cuisine
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